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I have two weddings today, with a break in between during which I will do one of my favorite things:  have lunch somewhere by myself and read.  And this morning I’ve begun the day’s journey with more reading.  I love to read.  It simultaneously changes my consciousness and gives me ideas.  Reading transforms my thinking from doubt, worry, disappointment, dissatisfaction and general malaise to confidence, faith, hope, contentment and general well being.  Reading also is part of my research for much of the stuff I get to do in life that pays the bills:  the workshops and retreats, and my writing.  I take in the wisdom of others, and let it simmer inside of me, like cooking a great meal in a slow cooker, and then, when it is ready, out pops my own unique flavor of wisdom.  I have two workshops coming up, one I have designed and completed.  It’s actually one I’ve been doing for years, one that was requested.  When a workshop I’ve already done has been requested, I simply tweak the workshop to better represent and match the audience.  So one workshop is ready to go.  The other one is about fear.  I only have three hours for this workshop, and fear, well, fear covers a lot of ground.  Do we lean into it?  Avoid it?  Do we believe the teaching that fear and faith or love cannot co-exist at the same time in the same entity?  How do we recognize fear in our lives and what does it have to teach us?  And what do we do about it when it comes?  This promises to be a doozy of a workshop and I am excited to see how it develops.  I’ve got a good beginning.  I’m also in the midst of creating a series of talks about abundance, and so much of my reading is on that topic.  I love the weddings and portrait sessions.  When I did that work full time, it not only provided my means to pay the bills, but it fed something within me and I was full up, complete.  Now that I do that work part time, it still contributes to paying the bills, but it only feeds part of me.  After all the training and schooling, I’ve changed.  After all the inner and outer changes in my life, I’ve transformed and thus, how I show up in the world has transformed, and what I need to feel that contentment I spoke of has changed.  What really feeds me is the other work:  the workshops, the retreats, the teaching.  What I have to say to the world is that life truly begins from the inside of us.  If we don’t go within, we go without, and everything I do begins within.  My life is wonderful, and being able to facilitate this transformation in other people is what truly feeds me now.  So on this beautiful fall day I will go off into the world and do some wonderful work, and spend some time preparing to do some other wonderful work.  Life is good.

I love this!  "Great dreamers possess intimacy with the world."

Do you consider yourself a great dreamer?  Do you feel as if you have intimacy with the world?  What would that feel like, to feel as if we had intimacy with the world?

For me, it is a sense of oneness.  Knowing that we are all connected on deep levels.  Quantum physics says we are connected at the level of particles and atoms; in other words, deep cellular levels.  This is science proving that what the mystics have always said is true:  That we are all parts of one big One.  Like drops of water in the ocean.

If this is true, and I believe it is, it has great ramifications for our behavior, and our sense of intimacy in the world.

If we are all part of one big One, then what I do affects you, and what you do affects me.  And if we are all part of one big One, then there is no more loneliness.

It is both scary and comforting at the same time.  To think that my actions have a much greater affect then just my immediate circle makes me think a bit more about them.  I am much less inclined to do and say harmful things.  And I feel it more when others in the world act out in their anger.  The things that are going on in the world today, the hateful language from some of our world leaders, are distressing not only because they indicate a dis-ease on the part of the people speaking those words.  They are distressing because I can feel them.  And so can the rest of the world.  When we are intimate with the world, we feel what goes on.

What is one to do?  Well, if we are indeed connected, and we feel what goes on, then we can do our part by making sure we express and do and be only love.  No hatred, no intolerance, no judgement.  Yes, even when it concerns "those people."

I can tell you that while it has sometimes been a challenge to do and be love, the rewards are great.  Not only do I feel more peaceful, but I am less inclined to feel the loneliness that comes from thinking I am separate from the rest of the world.  When I acknowledge my connection with you, there is no way I can be lonely.

So dream big, acknowledge your connection with the rest of the world, and go and create wonderful things in your life!

I've been getting a LOT of questions lately...what is your Creativity Retreat all about?  How do you teach someone to be creative?  I'm not artistic, is this for me?

So.....I've decided to answer all those questions, and give you a bonus.....

On this call, you will learn the 4 elements that will allow you to create the good in your life.

These are the same 4 elements that are introduced in my creativity retreats!  Now...we can't cover in an hour what we spend in a couple of days at a retreat.  Think deep dive at the retreat and introduction on the call.  But you will still learn abou the elements, and I will give you some tidbits to get you started on living the BEST LIFE EVER!

To register, simply fill out the contact form.  I will email you back with the information you will need to join us on the call.  The date of the call is Tuesday, August 15, from 6 PM to 7 PM Pacific time.

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You may be saying to yourself, "I already have a good life, I don't need this!"  If this is you, then congratulations!  But I've discovered that sometimes in life we don't know what we don't know.  Admittedly, I like to shake things up a bit.  I think status quo is...well...a bit boring sometimes.  And I also think there is always room for development.  Are you perhaps a bit dissatisfied with your job?  Maybe you feel stuck in some area of your life?  Or maybe you have a feeling that something is missing, but aren't sure what?

Sign up for this call and check it out!  You will have invested only an hour of your life, and I know you will enjoy it, and I know you will leave the call with a new idea, or an AHA moment.

Register here, and I look forward to "seeing" you.

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OH....and if the idea of an online meeting is foreign to you..don't worry!  It's as simple as clicking on a link to a web site.  And if you don't have a web cam, you can attend with your phone.



The week before last I got to facilitate a group of awesome people in the Death Valley Camping Retreat on Creativity.  This wonderful group sure did do some great work at the retreat, and they had fun too!

Part of the retreat experience, at least as I do them, is about having fun.  In addition to scheduling time to do the inner work necessary to create something new, participants also had time to rest, soak up the sun, or explore.

My next Creativity Retreat will be this summer!  We won't go to Death Valley again till spring of 2018;  I'm working on a wonderful location for the next retreat!  Stay tuned by subscribing to the blog!



Creativity isn't just about making artsy stuff, although it can be.  It is also about creating the life you wish to live.  The first step to creativity is to choose it.  Really.  Make a conscious decision to choose it.  Don't worry about what you are going to create.  Just choose creativity.

Then have some fun with it.  Just sit with the decision for a while, without even attempting to think about what action should follow.  Notice the objections that come up.  And then notice if anything new comes up.  A new way to do things.  A new way to speak.  Or a new idea.

That's what is trying to emerge in you!  Pay attention to that, and see what develops when you cultivate that new idea.

So...make a choice...choose creativity.  See what pops up.  Play with that.

And let me know how that goes!

I got the quote in the meme from research that I'm doing in preparation for a Creativity Retreat I'm doing in Death Valley in April.  It's going to be a camping retreat and you are invited!  All the details are in the store below, or on the page that is titled "Classes and Workshops and Speaking Engagements Oh My!"  I'm so excited about this retreat, and I hope you decide to join me!




Ok.  I'm excited now.  I've got a lineup of workshops, classes and a retreat that is designed to ROCK YOUR WORLD!

Between now and June:  four workshops, one class and one retreat.  All are designed to do one thing and one thing only:  move you from a life in which you experience fear or limitation or frustration to a life in which you experience love and joy, no limits and easy flow.

Here they all are, on one graphic, for easy reference:

Topics on tap:  Balance and self care, creativity, meditation, success, forward movement and playtime!

Invest in one or invest in them all.  I will give you a hint:  there is a two-for-one special on the workshops at the end of the list.







imageSometimes it is beneficial to spend some time with your head in the clouds.

Studies have shown that when you allow your thoughts to drift aimlessly you activate a creativity app in  your mind.

Creativity helps us in many ways.  It's not just about artistic creativity.  It's also about resting.  Have you ever lost something and searched high and low for it, ending up frustrated because you couldn't find it?  Then you turn to another task and forget about it for a while, and all of a sudden the location of your lost item "magically" appears in your mind.

Spending time with your head in the clouds, at rest, is like that.  Let it rest and roam, and do this on a regular basis, and suddenly a "magical" solution to something you've been pondering will appear.