Today is National Business Women's Day. When I become aware of stuff like this, my mind first goes to "WAIT! Is there also a Business Men's Day? Why not have a Business Person's Day?" Those of you who know me know that I am not a fan of exclusivity. I rarely go to women's only things, and never sponsor them. All my workshops, retreats and events are inclusive. BUT! I am also reminded of the qualities that one must embody in order to be a successful business person whether one is male or female. Discipline, consistency, gratitude, self-starting...and probably most important of all: courage and faith. A business, to be successful, must have certain qualities. Built upon a foundation of courage and faith, and sometimes desperation, a successful business will be grown by a business person who has the discipline to show up every day and do what needs to be done, who has the gratitude for clients and who does not have an attitude of entitlement but instead has a can do attitude. The faith part is the willingness to know that the business will be successful, and the courage part is to follow that faith up with action. If you are a business person, I salute you. If you want to be a business person, I can help. Did you know that I have a coaching program designed to facilitate your successful business? Check it out here: And....if you sign up before the end of September, I will throw in a free business portrait, because a good head shot is essential. Just the New Year you could be in a position to begin your successful business, fully supported by me and by the essential tools I will give you!
Do you have a desire to own and operate your own business? Do you want to make a good living at that? This program will teach you the qualities necessary to not only own your business, but be successful at it. By the end of this program, you will successfully be able to quit your day job!
Learn the tools that allowed me to start and build a photography business that earned me a six figure living!
I believe in these principle, and because I do, I am offering a special deal: sign up and pay for this program by September 30 and I will throw in a Business Portrait! That's right, because part of being an entrepreneur means having a head shot that shouts credibility! It is a $200 value, and you will get a high resolution copy of the image of your choice from the session, fully edited and retouched, to use in all your promotions. (session will be done in my in-home studio in Minden, Nevada. All other aspects of the program can be done via telephone or Zoom)
Contact me today to sign up and then hang on for the ride!
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