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Creativity isn't just about making artsy stuff, although it can be.  It is also about creating the life you wish to live.  The first step to creativity is to choose it.  Really.  Make a conscious decision to choose it.  Don't worry about what you are going to create.  Just choose creativity.

Then have some fun with it.  Just sit with the decision for a while, without even attempting to think about what action should follow.  Notice the objections that come up.  And then notice if anything new comes up.  A new way to do things.  A new way to speak.  Or a new idea.

That's what is trying to emerge in you!  Pay attention to that, and see what develops when you cultivate that new idea.

So...make a choice...choose creativity.  See what pops up.  Play with that.

And let me know how that goes!

I got the quote in the meme from research that I'm doing in preparation for a Creativity Retreat I'm doing in Death Valley in April.  It's going to be a camping retreat and you are invited!  All the details are in the store below, or on the page that is titled "Classes and Workshops and Speaking Engagements Oh My!"  I'm so excited about this retreat, and I hope you decide to join me!


NUTS:  Not Understanding True Self

Sometimes in life we base who and what we are on old outdated beliefs which were implanted in us by society, or by parental units, or simply by our own perceptions at the time.  And sometimes, who and what we are changes...but we never change those old outdated beliefs, and so we live a life filled with fear and uncertainty.  We are tired, out of balance, we don't take good care of ourselves and we feel ashamed, guilty or not quite right.

We are NUTS.

The opposite of NUTS is SANE:  Self Aware Now Enjoy

When we become self aware, we can enjoy life.  But only if our behavior matches our beliefs.  But self awareness is the first step.

How to do that?  There are so many helpful processes out there, ranging from the 12 steps to Byron Katie's The Work, to the Ladder of Inference to Fear to Faith.  Which one you use depends on which one you resonate with.  For example, I did not resonate at all with The Work, but I found the Ladder of Inference to be very helpful.

In future posts I will say a bit more about each of these processes, but for now, I hope you will find a way to experience SANE in your life, not NUTS.  And if you want some help, I've got a full calendar of workshops and classes coming up to facilitate SANE.  The next one is this Tuesday, March 14.  See details and register in the store below.




Today is March 4.....March Fourth....FORTH!

Are you marching forth today?

I love it when dates line up like this.  It gives me a time to play with the words a bit.  And it serves as a metaphor.

To march means to walk with a regular tread, in a deliberate manner.  When I was a kid, I played clarinet in a marching band.  I remember the parades...we would prepare ourselves by rehearsing the music, then rehearsing and marching at the same time.  Then the day would come when it was time to execute what we had learned and rehearsed.  We would put on the band uniforms and proceed to the staging area.  No matter what we were feeling or what the weather was, we marched.  And we marched towards a goal, the end of the parade.   During the parade I remember I wasn't thinking too much about the end goal.  I was thinking more about keeping in step and playing the right notes along the way.  One step and one note at a time.  Sometimes a little dance might be done.  Sometimes we marched in place so we didn't run into the group in front of us.  And I had my team members to support me, so if I somehow lost step I could glance to my right or left and see which foot needed to be forward.

I've found life to be a bit like this.....preparation, execution, focus and seeking support along the way.

We prepare not so much by rehearsing, but by visioning, dreaming, figuring out who we are and what we want.  Classes and coaching services are excellent for figuring this out.  Then we execute:  there might be a timeline, written out steps to take.  We keep our focus by using affirmations and meditation, and support comes in the form of talking with others, sharing what is going on with us.  And sometimes support comes in the form of resting, taking another class, reading a new book.

For me, the important part is the focus.  I sometimes lose my focus.  I get discouraged.  This is when the support is really important.  I use a coach to remind me of what my goal is. I use classes to learn new ways to reach my goals.  And sometimes I use classes because I've realized that I need a new goal.  Or a new way to reach my goal.

And I continue to march forward, no matter what.

Are you continuing your march?  Today might be a good day to review where you are in your own personal march, and adjust your steps as needed.


