Creativity. It is one of my favorite things in life. I’m not speaking about artistic creativity here, but about creating in our lives. In fact, I was drawn to the liberation theology of New Thought, and specifically, Science of Mind, because somewhere along the line I learned that the philosophy taught one how to create one’s life. Or how to recreate one’s life. At the time, I was also searching for a god that wasn’t a religious god, and in Science of Mind I found both. From the first class I took, I was off and running into a new way of life that continues to support me, reward me and fulfill me, each and every day. Every day I create anew. I do this by connecting and by examining my beliefs and thoughts, and changing them when necessary.
It gets pretty heavy does it at times.
So I’ve learned that it is important for me to regularly play. Just play. Play is why I have rocks in my life. Play is why I have a garden in my life. Play is why I have horses in my life. Play is why I have dogs and cats in my life.
Play is a big part of creativity as well. Play can help us lighten up and change our perspective. Changing our perspective is what coaches call reframing. It simply means we view an event in our life differently, so that we can heal and move on and, well, play more.
In the book The Creative Act: A Way of Being, by Rick Rubin, he says, “In play, there are no stakes. No boundaries. No right or wrong. No quotas for productivity. It’s an uninhibited state where your spirit can run free.”
How do you play? Play is part of living Fearlessly Feral you know. Gotta have the play time in there. If you think you don’t know how to play, watch a little kid play. Then go outside and do what that little kid did. Kids play. They just play. It is suggested that we be as little kids. Not all the time. I’m not suggesting immaturity. I’m suggesting regularly taking time out to play in and with something that you enjoy. For me it’s rocks and horses and gardening and dogs and cats. For you it might be something entirely different. Some folks like to build model airplanes. Some folks like to take old cars and restore them. Some folks like to make stuff out of wood. Find or create your playground and go play in it.