Ok, I admit it. I officially have short timer's disease.
I graduate in June.
This Masters Degree program I'm in has been wonderful: 4 years of learning, and each class has changed me from the inside out, and given me more skills and more training. If you are just tuning in, I'm in an accredited Masters Degree program called Consciousness Studies. (www.holmesinstitute.org)
I have loved every minute of it.
One of the things we teach is that it is counter productive to think in terms of: when this happens I'll do that, or when that happens I'll be this. The opposite is actually true: I'll do that now, and effect this to happen. Or, more specifically, it is not "when I win the lottery I'll be happy." It is, "I'll be happy now, and then win the lottery!"
And yet, I have a list of things I want to do when I graduate. I have dozens of books I want to read! I want to take a trip. Not a trip to Santa Rosa for class, but a vacation. I want to go to the annual photographer's convention that I haven't been to since I began school. I want to begin working in my new and chosen field. I want to do workshops....lots and lots of workshops.
I created, before school began, a New Year's Eve workshop. I happen to think New Year's Eve is the perfect time to plot out how one wants the next year to proceed. Resolutions don't work, they never have. But intentions do, especially with a solid plan in place to implement those intentions. Plus some ritual release of the old. I was doing this workshop every New Year's Eve and it was fun, successful and well attended. but school got busier and busier and somehow the last couple of New Year's Eves it just seemed indicated that I should stay at home and be quiet.
Then there is this football thing. I admit it: I don't watch football. I think there are much more productive things to do with one's time. I also realize that I am out of sync with much of the population in this. I'm OK with that. Last night, while my partner was watching football, I was writing papers for school, and I got a lot done! But there is still one more game to get through, and I couldn't help but think it would be the perfect time for a workshop for those of us who would rather do just about anything than watch football.
But I have papers to write and finals to study for, so this will be another thing to add to the list of things to do when I graduate. If you don't like watching football, stay tuned. There will be a workshop next year! Maybe even a series of them: one on every Sunday there is a football game!