I've been getting a LOT of questions lately...what is your Creativity Retreat all about? How do you teach someone to be creative? I'm not artistic, is this for me?
So.....I've decided to answer all those questions, and give you a bonus.....
On this call, you will learn the 4 elements that will allow you to create the good in your life.
These are the same 4 elements that are introduced in my creativity retreats! Now...we can't cover in an hour what we spend in a couple of days at a retreat. Think deep dive at the retreat and introduction on the call. But you will still learn abou the elements, and I will give you some tidbits to get you started on living the BEST LIFE EVER!
To register, simply fill out the contact form. I will email you back with the information you will need to join us on the call. The date of the call is Tuesday, August 15, from 6 PM to 7 PM Pacific time.
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You may be saying to yourself, "I already have a good life, I don't need this!" If this is you, then congratulations! But I've discovered that sometimes in life we don't know what we don't know. Admittedly, I like to shake things up a bit. I think status quo is...well...a bit boring sometimes. And I also think there is always room for development. Are you perhaps a bit dissatisfied with your job? Maybe you feel stuck in some area of your life? Or maybe you have a feeling that something is missing, but aren't sure what?
Sign up for this call and check it out! You will have invested only an hour of your life, and I know you will enjoy it, and I know you will leave the call with a new idea, or an AHA moment.
Register here, and I look forward to "seeing" you.
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OH....and if the idea of an online meeting is foreign to you..don't worry! It's as simple as clicking on a link to a web site. And if you don't have a web cam, you can attend with your phone.