Ritual is a powerful way to either cement a new way of being or engender a shift in consciousness.
A wedding ceremony is actually a ritual, and most wedding ceremonies contain other rituals within them. The ring exchange is a ritual, as is the unity candle or sand ceremony. A wedding is a good example of cementing a new way of being. You’ve already made the decision to be together and show up in the world as a couple. The wedding cements this decision.
Celebrations of life and memorials are rituals. The best ones facilitate progress in the grieving process.
Rituals can be done for any life transition such as retirement or coming of age. Rituals can be done to release the old and embrace the new.
Rituals almost always result in a shift in consciousness.
If you are seeking a wedding officiant, head on over to my wedding officiant page: Chapel of the Pines.
If you are seeking someone for a celebration of life, contact me. I also do rituals of all kinds for any life transition.
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