All around me people are announcing that mercury is in retrograde. Admittedly, I'm not hearing these announcements, I'm seeing them in print. But the impression I am getting is that if they were saying this, it would be said with the same feeling tone as that old ditty: "THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING!"
I wasn't sure why, so I looked it up. Now I know why I didn't know what it meant that mercury was in retrograde: it's astrology.
Now, before you think this is going to be an attack on astrology, it isn't. I think the human habit of attacking something we don't believe in or disagree with is abhorrent. But that is the subject for another blog post.
I've never been a fan of astrology, even though I know a lot of people who are. Here is why I've never been a fan of it: because it is one more example of basing our decisions on something outside of ourselves. I feel the same way about anything that tells us to ignore our own truth and instead follow the dictates of another. Traditional religion as it is currently taught does this. So does most of the New Age stuff. I love New Thought because it teaches us to go within, know our own truth, and proceed accordingly. And by the way, I love candles, scented oils, and even crystals and all sorts of other New Age gimmicks. But I'm not going to base my decisions on them. They are just nice things. And sometimes excellent reminders of my own truth, which I discovered by going within.
Back to this current retrograde Mercury thing. Instead of just ignoring it, I decided to ask, what is it all about? And got this link for an answer:
I read the article. Seems we aren't supposed to make important decisions, sign contracts or have elective surgery during this time.
Sigh. Really? Ok. Here's the deal about important decisions: I know that I shouldn't be making them under duress. In other words, don't make decisions when angry, grieving, sad or excited. Settle down, go within, meditate, know your truth. Then make the decision.
Here's the deal about contracts: If it is time to sign a contract, I am certainly not going to tell the other person involved in the deal that I need to wait until mercury is out of retrograde to sign it.
And I don't believe in elective surgery, so that is a no brainer for me.
My point here is this: We have an entire culture of people who seem to base who and what they are on outside things. Everything from doing what your peers do to blindly following religious dogma to allowing what the planets are doing to effect your life. I love the empowering message of New Thought: go within...find that part of yourself that knows...and be and do that.
Everything I do, from my ministry to my counseling, from workshops and retreats to my book ( is a variation on this one thing: I teach people tools that they can then use to go within and find their own truth.
Bottom line: I'm not going to base my life on someone else's interpretation of something outside myself, including whether or not mercury is in retrograde. How about you?