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  One of the most powerful spiritual practices I know is introspection.  Going within, paying attention to what I am feeling, to the trend of my thoughts, even to my physical sensations, and especially to that still small voice, allows me to know. Being still, and knowing, then allows me to make decisions I can ...continue reading "Introspection: a powerful spiritual practice"

I remember what life used to be like when I did not have a daily practice of going within and connecting. It was like being a dandelion in the wind. I got blown here and there, bits and pieces of me scattered everywhere. I could have been beautiful, but I didn't appreciate myself, and consequently ...continue reading "Make 2018 THE BEST YEAR EVER!"

  I made a decision long ago to not die an unlived life.  Growing up, I watched some of the people I cared about in my life limit themselves.  Their favorite phrases seemed to be, "I can't do that!"  And they were always coming up with reasons why they couldn't do that.  It affected everything ...continue reading "Do Not Die an Unlived Life"

"A lot of doorways are going to open for you, just don't stand behind them when they open."  Rev. Dr. Gil Linsley, My dad told me that just yesterday.  We were sitting there talking about endings and beginnings and possibilities and out came that beautiful quote. I think it is awesome, and very appropriate ...continue reading "5 Steps to Move from Confusion to Knowing"

  What is your definition of success? Is it wealth?  Or maybe perfect health?  Or maybe a full and fun family life?  Maybe your definition of success is a great career. Traditional definitions of success say that it is the completion of a goal.  Well...yes, there's that. But I invite you to consider that all ...continue reading "What is success?"

Mother Nature can serve as an excellent metaphor for us.  I used to sit on the east shore of Lake Tahoe and watch the coming storms.  They always came from the west, and from my perch, I could literally see those big storm clouds approaching.  I knew that when they arrived, they would bring wind, ...continue reading "There really is a silver lining in those clouds"