It is the end of the month, and what a month it has been right? Don’t let the daily assault on common sense and good distract you from your primary purpose. Yes, stay aware. Yes, fight back as you can. Yes, do all that.
But first do you. More than ever right now, it’s about self care. It’s about taking care of ourselves so that we can go out into the world and successfully meet the challenges that are being presented.
How on earth do we do that? I will share with you what has been working for me. I’ve changed my routine. I no longer begin my day with news and social media, and I no longer end my day with those either. Instead, I begin my day with reading my daily meditation books, with introspection, and journaling if needed. My meditation time is midday, by the way. And I end the evening with more reading of positive stuff.
Those readings help, a lot. For example, today’s reading by Mark Nepo, in his “Book of Awakening,” gave me the inspiration for this writing. It reminded me to not allow the distraction of the mess out there to make things messy inside of me. It reminded me that I have a responsibility to myself to take care of myself first. And most importantly, it reminded me that everything begins within. My beliefs lead to my thoughts which lead to my emotions which lead to my actions. So I must be aware of, and change if necessary, any beliefs and thoughts that are creating havoc in my life.
And I must remind myself of who I am and how I have promised myself I would show up in the world. With any commitment to change, there will be times when the news of the day will throw us off track and send us running back to old default settings: basically fight, flight or hide. When that happens, it is important to acknowledge that has happened and move back to equanimity. Move back to what we have promised ourselves. And we do so with compassion, forgiveness and grace.
I recently got a new iPad and when all the books got downloaded into the kindle app, they were no longer in the order of most recently read. So I had to do a search for my favorite daily readers, and some came up that I had forgotten about. This morning was a huge gift that I very much needed: I had time to read the daily entry for no less than 8 books, plus I got a few pages read of a couple more books. Heaven! While I always create time to do my foundational spiritual practices every day (connection and personal self awareness) I don’t always have time to read as I would like. Today I want to share with you some quotes that made me think, or made me remember.
This first one comes from Paul Ferrini, in his book The 12 Steps of Forgiveness: “Properly speaking there are only three states of consciousness available to us. One is love, which is eternal and unconditional. One is fear, which is temporary and conditional. And the last is forgiveness, which is a bridge from the illusion of fear to the reality of love.”
I have spent YEARS believing and knowing and teaching that there are only two states of consciousness: love or fear. The idea that there is a third state, a bridge, if you will, from fear to love, is radical for me. And yet, it answers the question of how one gets to love when one is feeling fear. I said I have believed and taught this concept for years, and many times a student will ask me, “how do I turn my fear into love?” That question has always been a difficult one for me to answer, because how I’ve done that internally is a process that I can’t put into words. It has to do with faith, or knowing. It has to do with allowing. It has to do with acknowledging and inner awareness. It has to do with all that stuff. But as I think about it none of that really addresses a process for moving from fear to faith. But now we have one. Forgiveness!
And of course I have a lot to say about forgiveness. Forgiveness is probably one of the most difficult spiritual practices to do, but it is also the most rewarding. And of course, you know that forgiveness is never ever ever about them, always about yourself. But perhaps you did not know that inside just about every book on prosperity and abundance is a forgiveness piece.
Obviously forgiveness is a big deal if we are to live happily and joyously on this earth.
And I just happen to have a way to forgive for you. A forgiveness process if you will. This is a process recently created by myself and my students in a class called 5 Gifts for an Abundant Life. We were in the class on forgiveness (there’s that connection again!) and more than one student voiced frustration that there wasn’t really a process in the class to use to forgive. So we created one. Thanks and acknowledgment go to Julia Mattis, Cindy Mesa, Jamie Russell and Sharon Anyan for helping to create this.
This process is for self forgiveness, but as Ferrini says, we can’t forgive others until we forgive ourselves.
I offer this process to you for your consideration:
1. Create a safe container by going into meditation, so that forgiveness of self is more of a heart space thing than an intellectual thing. Be gentle with yourself.
2. Identify what wants to be forgiven
3. Breathe. Honor what comes up, and don't dismiss it. Accept it without judgement 4. Ask: What am I feeling? What are my beliefs behind this feeling? Identify your limiting beliefs. More meditation might be necessary.
5. Talk about it with a practitioner, prayer partner, mentor, coach or trusted friend.
6. Resolve to change your thinking. Do a treatment: Identify what you want to replace the old belief or way of thinking, then identify how you will feel when the old way of thinking or believing is replaced, then treat for that. Ask for help from a practitioner or prayer partner if necessary.
7. Resolve to change our feelings about it, not our thoughts. courageously release my resistance, courageously surrender.
8. Set the intention every day to feel the way you identified that you want to feel. Then go about your day, trusting that your intention is coming true.
9. Make amends to yourself, which means to set things right with yourself. Sometimes the treatment and intention is enough, sometimes you might need action as well. Resolve to do things differently if needed.
10.Go forth and have fun!
Affirmation: Today I fully and completely forgive myself, thus opening myself up to joy, happiness and peace.
Creativity. It is one of my favorite things in life. I’m not speaking about artistic creativity here, but about creating in our lives. In fact, I was drawn to the liberation theology of New Thought, and specifically, Science of Mind, because somewhere along the line I learned that the philosophy taught one how to create one’s life. Or how to recreate one’s life. At the time, I was also searching for a god that wasn’t a religious god, and in Science of Mind I found both. From the first class I took, I was off and running into a new way of life that continues to support me, reward me and fulfill me, each and every day. Every day I create anew. I do this by connecting and by examining my beliefs and thoughts, and changing them when necessary.
It gets pretty heavy does it at times.
So I’ve learned that it is important for me to regularly play. Just play. Play is why I have rocks in my life. Play is why I have a garden in my life. Play is why I have horses in my life. Play is why I have dogs and cats in my life.
Play is a big part of creativity as well. Play can help us lighten up and change our perspective. Changing our perspective is what coaches call reframing. It simply means we view an event in our life differently, so that we can heal and move on and, well, play more.
In the book The Creative Act: A Way of Being, by Rick Rubin, he says, “In play, there are no stakes. No boundaries. No right or wrong. No quotas for productivity. It’s an uninhibited state where your spirit can run free.”
How do you play? Play is part of living Fearlessly Feral you know. Gotta have the play time in there. If you think you don’t know how to play, watch a little kid play. Then go outside and do what that little kid did. Kids play. They just play. It is suggested that we be as little kids. Not all the time. I’m not suggesting immaturity. I’m suggesting regularly taking time out to play in and with something that you enjoy. For me it’s rocks and horses and gardening and dogs and cats. For you it might be something entirely different. Some folks like to build model airplanes. Some folks like to take old cars and restore them. Some folks like to make stuff out of wood. Find or create your playground and go play in it.
“The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” Walter Bagehot
I love this quote. I love doing what people say I cannot do. I’ve been doing it a long time. In fact, I have a little physical emoji of a can that says “I can!” I suspect this thing was made to be one of those pins you stick on your lapel but since I wear very little jewelry and no accessories, this little can is now stuck in the wall in my bathroom where I can see it regularly.
I was thinking about this quote today and realized that it isn’t just people who tell us what we can and can not do, It is also ourselves. We all have those little inner voices that chatter away in the background, telling us “you can’t do that!”
But that isn’t true. We can. It sometimes takes a bit of work. It sometimes takes a change in what we believe to be true about ourselves. For example, do you believe that after you reach a certain age you can’t do certain things? Why do you believe that? Is it because someone told you? It is because the adults in your life modeled it for you? I was lucky, I had a dad who water skied and played professional trumpet till he was in his 80s. Then he retired and hit the road in a motorhome. He modeled for me that we do not have to believe what others, or ourselves, tell us about our age.
We are only as old as we make up our minds to be.
This is just one example of examining our thoughts and beliefs to discover what we believe about a thing, and then asking if it is really true. Or did we just assume it to be true?
Here’s the truth: you can be and do anything you wish. Period. Don’t let the naysayers, whether they are in your own mind or in the minds of others, tell you what you can and cannot do.
There is a Force in the universe that is everywhere present. I suspect you may agree with me on that, even if you call It a different name. I love the omnipresent feature of Spirit, because if It is truly everywhere present, It is also within me. From the teachings of Science of Mind and from other teachings, I have discerned that this truth has much greater ramifications than simply God is within me. It also means that God is AS ME. In fact, I like to think that, as human beings, we are the way that God shows up in the world. We are God’s opportunity to speak. I believe that this is what it means when the Bible says we are children of God. If this is true, then we have both a gift and a responsibility. The gift is that with God as us, we have all the power and love and joy that God has. This has great potential for being able to live our lives successfully, with joy and peace. It is truly a great gift. The responsibility is that, with God as us, we need to act like it and not allow our fearful humanness to get in the way. Here is where we can take the love, power, strength, joy, beauty and peace that is attributed to Spirit and make it ours. If we all live as if we truly believe that we are physical manifestations of God, imagine how wonderful things would be! So today I sink into the gratitude I feel for this wonderful truth, that God is such a part of me that I have all the power and love and of God as a part of me as well, and today I walk in power and strength, I have unconditional love for myself and others, I feel and appreciate the beauty and joy of life, and I feel at peace. I am One.
Henry David Thoreau once said, “if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
Do you have dreams? If not, why not? A good spiritual practice is to sit down and figure out what your dreams are for your life. And I have news for you: always have a dream. Because when we have a dream, the universe conspires for it to happen. Once we discern our dream, there is a giant YES there and everything that happens from that point onward is simply another step to achieving that dream. Sometimes it may not look that way. Have you ever heard that old adage about not praying for patience because you will get something to be patient about? Yeah, that. Just keep going. Handle whatever comes up with dignity and grace and keep moving confidently in the direction of your dream.
What if you have a dream, but you don’t think it is possible to achieve it? Dreams are nice, you might think, but they are just dreams. Not true. There are a lot of definitions for the word dream, but I prefer this one: an aspiration or a goal. Yes, dreams do come true. If you don’t think it is possible to achieve your dream, start there. Why do you not think it possible?
And if you do not have the confidence to advance in the direction of your dream, that is the place to begin.
Ultimately, dreams are good stuff. We have an idea or a dream, and the yes is always there, waiting for our participation in achieving it.
Today, I confidently advance in the direction of my dream.
Alan Watts: “If we cling to a belief in god, we cannot likewise have faith, since faith is not clinging but letting go.”
Joseph Campbell: “… to worship a god, you must become that god. No matter what you call the god or think it is, the god you worship is the one you are capable of becoming. The power of a deity is that it personifies a power that is in Nature and in your nature. When you find that level, then you are in play. That is the work of art in general, because art really is a worship.”
Me, yesterday, in conversation with a friend: “instead of going with the flow, I want to take it deeper. I want to TRUST the flow.” Because trusting the flow means I can truly let go. Sometimes, when I’m just going with the flow, I’m still attempting to control or manipulate it. Truly letting go takes trust. Which then means I must explore what it is I am trusting.
Then there is this, from Obi Wan Kenobi: “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together.”
The Force is, for me, what god is.
And lest you scoff at me quoting fictional movie characters, I’ll just say that the creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, studied Science of Mind. It is my personal opinion that the concepts in the Star Wars movies are great illustrations of this wonderful teaching that has so effectively allowed me to live an even greater life than I ever imagined.
So here I am, trusting, embodying, having faith instead of belief. Asking myself, what does that look like in every day life? It is an interesting exercise in self reflection. If I trust, then I must also accept. Oh, and here’s another comment, made by me when asked by my horse trainer/equine therapist, as she does after every lesson “what did you learn today?”: “allow but continue on.”
This means I must allow what is happening (which for me means I don’t resist it, judge it, try to manipulate it, or attempt to control it) but also continue on with my mission in life. Whether that mission is to continue the horse back ride or to continue doing my minister work in the world or continue doing the laundry or continue to know the good for myself and others. I must allow but also continue on. And that takes trust, and embodying, and having faith.
Such are my thoughts today as I move out into the world to get a massage and do a wedding. And see the completion of the derockifying of my riding trail. WEEHAW! Can’t wait to ride on it!
Today I trust, embody the good, and have faith. Oh, and I play today. And because I also want to play a bit, because play is always a part of things in my life, I’m going to include an oldie but a goodie meme I made three years ago. Because it takes trust, embodiment and faith to do things that are considered crazy, delusional and ambitious. And that, my friends, is what a life looks like when one lives in trust, embodiment and faith.
Jeff Anderson: "It's the nature of things to orbit!"
Ernest Holmes: "Every person should take time for this inner communion..."
I believe there are stages in life, and I also believe that we need to honor those stages. In doing so, we honor ourselves. I used to be a highly social person...I fed off of social situations and enjoyed them immensely. I was ok being alone, but given a choice of a night with people, no matter what we were doing, or a night at home alone, I chose to be with people. Now....given that same choice, I will usually choose to be at home alone. I still enjoy social situations, and I work with the public and love them believe it or not. But I have these urges that say, "let's just stay home." I believe this to be a stage. I don't know how long it will last, nor do I care. What I do know is that my job is to listen to my inner callings, and honor them. In doing so, I respect and honor my personal journey through life. I am not recommending that you stay home and sleep or eat junk food, especially if you are in a depression. What I am recommending is more of a personal self awareness practice so that you can know your own truth and honor it. Be kind to yourself. Above all, be kind to yourself. You are the one who gets to determine whether being kind to yourself means staying home, or going out. Know thyself is the message of today's reading. What do you do to know thyself?
Affirmation: Today I take time to know myself, and to honor and respect myself.