Thank you to Jeff Anderson for this quote. There are traditional ways to refer to a process which allows us to open up to our highest good. In traditional language, words like powerless and surrender are used. For me, these words evoke a return to victimhood and I do not resonate with them. But the concept is powerful. This quote allows for an opening. To let go of resistance to the total openness of who I am implies that anytime I am feeling resistance, a fight, a nudge that says, "something needs to change here," I can acknowledge that perhaps the way I've been doing and being is no longer working, and then I can contemplate and allow for a new way of being and doing. This is why contemplation is so important in our lives, and this is why I am doing a workshop that will give you some new ideas about incorporating contemplation into your life. Won't you join me on Friday, April 17, at 6 pm, at the Center for Spiritual Living in Carson City, to explore this together?
Tag: Carson City workshop
Action and Contemplation, a Beautiful Partnership
Are you busier than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs?
I'm writing to you today to tell you about a wonderful new workshop I've created called "Action and Contemplation: A Beautiful Partnership."
I'm really excited about this workshop! Somewhere along the line I learned that contemplation allows for more action, and action creates space for more contemplation. It is a beautiful symbiotic relationship that has allowed me to experience life full on!
I quite frequently hear from people that they think I am very busy. Some think I am too busy! Would you believe it if I told you I was able to enjoy one hour of contemplation every day? It's true!
Would you like to be able to do the same? If so, join me on Friday night, April 17, from 6-8 pm, at the Center for Spiritual Living Carson City, 3579 Highway 50 East, Unit 301. For a cost of $25, you can learn:
- How to accomplish everything you want to accomplish, every day
- How to carve out at least 20 minutes of quiet time, every day
- How to experience that fully alive feeling, every day
Call me at 530-906-9336 for more information, or to sign up.