It’s a biggie.
All of us have it.
Most of us deny that we have it.
Most of us don’t even know what fear looks like. We don’t know that it looks like judgment, close mindedness, bigotry, dishonesty, depression, anxiety, prejudice, hatred.
We don’t know that is shows up as abusive behavior, violence against others, toxic codependency, addiction. Fear even shows up as cancer and other illnesses.
Obviously fear is a big deal.
And what the Course In Miracles says, in my opinion, is true: we are either living a fear based life or a love based life, and fear and love cannot exist together at the same time in the same entity.
Personally, fear has played a big part in my life. I got sober, got into recovery, and discovered something very delightful: every step I worked in that 12 step program removed some more fear for me. Instead of fuck everything and run, my motto became face everything and recover.
And today, I have a focus ministry called Fearlessly Feral Living.
Not because I believe fear can be completely eradicated, but because I believe we can learn to live love based lives despite fear, and that we can learn to recognize all the different ways fear shows up in our lives and deal with it compassionately and effectively.
Along comes this new book, by Dennis Merritt Jones, called When Fear Speaks, Listen: The Seven Messages of Fear.
And he also has provided a 4 week study guide to go along with the book.
So guess what? It’s time for a class! A four week class, based on the book by Dennis Merritt Jones called When Fear Speaks, Listen: the Seven Messages of Fear.
Here’s the details:
First of all, buy the book. You can get it on Amazon in both print and e-version. Secondly, read it. Because you will show up to the first class having read the introduction and part one of the book. You’ve got a little over a month to read the book if you buy it now.
When: Wednesdays, from 3-5 PM Pacific time, from July 10-July 31.
Where: Zoom. Link will be sent upon registration.
Cost: $30
Click here to register.