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On Gluttony and Sacrifice and Penitence and April Fool’s Day

Today is Fat Tuesday. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and Valentines Day and the beginning of Lent. And Easter falls on April Fool’s Day this year.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say something is trying to tell us something.

As for me, I’m having a bit of fun with it all. Really?!?!?! Ash Wednesday, a day when Christians are supposed to fast and remember their basic nature (sinners) and sacrifice......coupled with Valentine’s Day? This could have far reaching ramifications for your relationship: Declaring undying and unconditional love on Valentine’s Day, or sacrificing everything to remember that we are really nothing but dust and to dust we will return, except that there will be a resurrection that is going to happen on....wait for it.....April Fools Day.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not blasphemous, really I’m not. I just tend to see humor in lots of strange places. Especially since I took a stand up comedy class. Actually, I took it because I wanted to lighten up a bit. Do you think it worked?

I do have a tendency to get heavy does it sometimes. Part of me wants to take a deep dive into the metaphorical significance of stocking up on Fat Tuesday. Part of me wants to swim in the murky waters of sacrifice and clearing the clutter to make way for the new that will come in the spring, the new us, as well as the new flowers. Part of me wants to recognize that no, we are not sinners, but we do make mistakes, and this is a perfect time to make amends for those mistakes. After all, the original meaning of the word “sin”means to “miss the mark,” as in “dude, you missed the target just now when you fired off that arrow, try again.” Looking at it this way takes all the shame out of the equation, but does insist on personal responsibility. No, I never claimed to be Christian, but honestly, there is some beautiful mysticism and meaning in all the holy days and rituals. Humor aside. And then there is Valentine’s Day. The first for my hubby and I as a married couple. I could probably find some deep significance in this too, but mostly I just want to break my sugar fast and feed each other chocolate covered strawberries in bed, and maybe go visit a hot springs or something. The reality is, he has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow! GEEZ. Senior living at its finest.

I’m still chuckling over the Easter/April Fool’s Day thing. April Fools folks! There are no new beginnings, not for us this year! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I wonder if some of my interfaith buddies are seeing the humor in this. Privately I know they are. I’ve witnessed the smiles and chuckles at our interfaith gatherings as they mention how the dates are lining up. Makes me want to go on Easter and see what they have to say about it. I may do that, but that’s a long way off, and meanwhile there is today.

Yes, there is a lot of material here for humor, but there is also a LOT of meaning in this time. Stock up today if you wish, but don’t hoard. You will block the flow. Sacrifice tomorrow if you wish, but only to clear the clutter to make room for the new. Recognize where you have erred...missed the mark...and clean that stuff up, but don’t beat yourself up over it. And maybe, just this time of polarity....that you could fast from anger, blame, complaining, and bitterness, and instead focus on kindness, compassion, gratitude and patience. Do that between now and April Fools Day....ahem.....Easter, and see what happens.

And consider taking a little retreat time and joining me in Death Valley in March.  It will set you up quite nicely for April Fool’s Day AND for Easter.  No foolin’.