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Three steps to activate the Law of Attraction in your life

11709981_10207274755486543_7958070936812802295_oI've been doing a lot of thinking lately on how the basic laws of life work.  You may have heard about one of those laws:  it's called the Law of Attraction.  Almost every spiritual, scientific, philosophical and psychological discipline throughout the ages has either proven or spoken of this law.

It is powerful, and it works.  It works even if you don't believe in it, because it will simply honor your intention of disbelief and not work.

I have experienced over and over again the power and efficacy of this law, and this is why I advocate activating it and using it in  your life.

It's about focus and feelings.  Thought plus feeling equals the activation of the law.  Have a thought, put some feeling behind it, and watch it manifest as reality.

In a nutshell, if things are happening in your life that don't seem to serve you very well, try this:

  1.  Change your thinking.  Remember that what you focus on expands.
  2.  Once you've changed your thought to a positive, rather than a negative, think about how would you feel should this thought come true.
  3. Continue to think those positive thoughts and feel those feelings behind it.

Of course there is a bit more involved than this simplistic explanation, this is intended to be an introduction.  Want more?  Consider joining me for a weekly Law of Attraction conference call.  It is held on Wednesday mornings at 10 AM Pacific time, the call in number is 712-775-7031, the access code is 143207.  This service is being offered free of charge through a sponsorship by the Center for Spiritual Living Carson City, and they will happily accept your tax deductible love offering through PayPal.  Just click on the link and click Donate.

I hope to "see" you on the call next week!